Post Summer Skin Care CHECKLIST: 7 After sun essentials

Once the summer ends, we find ourselves with a multitude of skin issues. This can include dehydrated skin, acne, hyper pigmentation, and clogged pores.  Not really the glowing skin you thought you would have after spending months in the sun!

We want to share with you our top 7 After Sun Essentials!

Brightening ingredients for hyperpigmentation

Once your summer glow begins to fade, you may start to notice some signs of sun damage — think newfound freckles, dark spots, or an uneven skin tone. Unfortunately, you can’t undo damage caused by UVA/UVB rays, but  the good news is that you can help minimize the visible appearance of sun damage on the skin’s surface with a quick homemade tonic developed in our Face Wellness Vegan & Organic Beauty Bar. 


¼ cup of organic rice 

1 cup of water 

Cover rice with water and allow to ferment for 3-6h, stear occasionally. Add a few drops of essential oil based on your current skin condition and wipe or spray your face a few times a day. 


For Oily /Acne prone skin - use tea tree essential oil (1-2 drops)

For rejuvenations -  use a geranium/ rose oil (1-2 drops)

Keep the rice tonic in the fridge for 1-2 days maximum, as it does not have preserve for long and should be used fresh. 

We also suggest trying our Face Wellness Training with Microdermabrasion, to see improved results from any Sun damage, by removing the thick outer layer of damaged skin.

Deep clean pores

After months of hot and humid temperatures, it’s likely that you’ve accumulated sweat, dirt and oil build up on the surface of your skin. Your sweat mixed with makeup and environmental impurities can take a toll on the appearance of your complexion and cause clogged pores.

Try our Detox Discovery Set Clean Skin or book a Purifying Face Wellness therapy.

After Sun Nourishment 

Have you heard about our Discovery Set -  After Sun Nourish and Protect . It contains new amazing Secret Fountain Hyaluronic Mask, packed full of antioxidants and made up of opuntia, sweet almond and grapes for Deep hydration and protection against free radical damage. Ideal for  smooth, radiant looking skin.

Give it a try to see your face feel more plumped, and with  fine lines visibly reduced after being in the sun all day!

Don’t forget your neck and chest

You may have been putting cream on your face throughout the summer, but the 2 spots we often forget about (not just with sunscreen application, but also in our skin care regime) is our neck and chest.

These two areas are also equally exposed to sun damage and in turn get drier and in time are prone to enhanced ageing. The next time you put on your sunscreen or exfoliate your skin, don’t forget to do the same to your neck and chest area, to ensure full coverage and treatment of these beautiful areas also.

Lips Burn also!

Don’t forget that your luscious lips are also a part of your face and should be included in your daily face regime. Next time you exfoliate your skin, give your lips a gentle scrub also, and make it a habit to consistently apply lip balm. This is increasingly important, if you have travelled over summer, and the changes in weather conditions have caused them to become dry. 

Looking after your lips can be easily solved by using a specific sunscreen for lips, if you choose to, but also by keeping your body regularly hydrated with water.

Visit your Kypwell Face Wellness Coach

Book a session with one of our Face Wellness Coaches, to see how we can assist you with any of your skin worries. These skin concerns after months in the sun can range from, dehydration, irritation, appearance of wrinkles or even dull skin. 

Manual techniques and machines are both used in all our treatments, and the repetition of each treatment will depend on the level of your skin damage. Your Face Wellness coach will be able to advise the best course of action specifically for you!

Continue using Sunscreen in Winter

Just because the warm, sunny days of summer are over, UVA and UVB rays still do exist. It is always recommended to keep using a sunscreen under your makeup, to ensure your skin is protected! Did you know that if you find yourself in a snowy climate, the snow can reflect the rays much easier, causing increased sunburn and greater risk to your skin? 

An additional benefit of using sunscreen throughout the year, is that it will also protect your skin from blue light and maskne! Just make sure you are still washing your face properly at the end of the day to avoid clogging your pores, leading to build up of impurities.

Were these tips helpful? We would love to know! We look forward to welcoming you in our face Wellness studio for a treatment or a quick informal chat about how we can help YOU!